Joana Taya

Graphic designer and painter. 

Born in Lobito, Angola, and currently residing in Lisbon, Portugal. 

With a Master’s degree in Graphic Design and Arts from the University of Creative Arts, Surrey, England.

Her work has been exhibited in various galleries around the world, including Angola (Luanda), Norway (Stavanger), China (Shanghai), Czech Republic (Brno), Germany (Berlin), Kenya (Nairobi), and Portugal.

In addition to her career as a painter, she has extensive experience as a graphic designer and was a professor of Graphic Design at two universities in Norway. Currently, she is an Arts Teacher in Lisbon. 

Her work is featured in several national and international collections.

“My work is a journey of self-discovery, a deep emotional dialogue where I explore philosophical concepts and bodily perceptions. I focus on individual essence and states of being influenced by various social contexts. My painting is figurative abstract, blending geometric and organic contrasts into a meticulous, anatomical, and graphic expression. My artistic process represents a continuous exploration of the human condition, with each piece reflecting on the complex interaction between internal emotions and external realities.”

Painting Pillows in the sky with Acrylic Paint on Canvas.






2024- ELA- Espaço Luanda Arte – Collective Exhibition- “Sou Bakongo” (ANG)

2023- Museu do Falso- Collective Exhibition- “Nucleo Linguistico +351 (PT)

2023- ELA- Espaço Luanda Arte- “Precious Shadows” (ANG)

2022- Museu do Falso – Collective Exhibition- “Núcleo Linguistico- Anacional” (PT)

2022- Camões- Centro Cultural Português em Luanda, “Musas” (ANG)

2021- Artsy ELA- Espaço Luanda Arte 

2020- African Galleries Association & Artsy ELA- Espaço Luanda Arte

2020- “Pelos Nossos Olhos”, Abuja Art Week

2020- Collective Exhibition- Circle Gallery- “Atlantico”, Nairobi (KE)

2019- Gallery ELA- Espaço Luanda Arte, “Partículas Encantadas” (ANG)

2018- F*cking Globo- Project/ Collective Exhibition, Room 106 (ANG)

Gallery MAAN- Memorial Dr. António Agostinho Neto, Guerreiros do Absurdismo Fantástico (ANG)

Movart Gallery- “O Mundo Colorido da Taya” (ANG)

This Is Not a White Cube- Banco Económico (ANG)

Galeria Tamar Golan (ANG)

1:54 Somerset House, U.K.

Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin (DE)

Curator- JAANGO- Jovens Artistas Angolanos

Bai Arte- “Arquivo Morto” Centro Cultural Academia BAI (ANG)

Project “Orgulho em ser Angolano”- Cuca (ANG)

Project Palanca (ANG)

World Expo Shanghai (CHINA)

Sandnes Kulturhus (NO)

Wall Art Sandnes Læringssenter (NO)

Tou Scene (NO)

Illustration CheckPoint Charlie (NO)

Galerie Brno (CZ)

Illustration Høie Apeland (Reklameetasjen, NO)

Sting (NO)

Atelier Brasil (NO)

Soleado (NO)

Banco Equador (S. Tome e Príncepe)

Cenarius Gallery (ANG)

email me 🙂
